Brognon Rollin - I'm All Tomorrow's Broken Hearts - Exhibitionmfc-michèle didier | Paris - Brussels - PARIS

I'm All Tomorrow's Broken Hearts
9 Sep - 8 Oct 2022
Inquiry about the exhibition

For the opening of the 2022-2023 season, mfc-michèle didier will present a solo exhibition by the artist duo Brognon Rollin, starting on September 8.
Entitled I'm All Tomorrow's Broken Hearts, the exhibition will introduce exceptional new works in the full sense of the word. Produced in digital and immaterial form, these works refer to the narrative potential of Brognon Rollin's work, often taking its roots from a story, an anecdote, a legend, a fable, an apologue or a rumor.

Radically conceived, the exhibition will present a new work each week, celebrated by a "co-memorative" session with Brognon Rollin and various invited storytellers, allowing the audience to participate and to recall memories.

Talks on each Thursday or Friday from 7 to 8pm

Thursday, September 8 with Emanuele Coccia
Thursday, September 15 with Bernard Blistène
Friday, September 23 with Pierre-Olivier Rollin
Thursday, September 29 with Jean-Hubert Martin 
Friday, October 7 with Marc Donnadieu

These works will increase their supposed immateriality through their oral transmission. Given that no image pre-exists its orality, each work will be inscribed in a hypothetical time. A «memory of the future» in a way, which may randomly disappear or realized in the collective imagination as a fact through the Mandela effect or end up being materially accomplished.

Since 2008, Brognon Rollin has been questioning the perception of time and reality, among other things, by questioning the fungible and substitutable nature of memory and experience. Often marked by relativism and spirituality, their works bring together different topics relating to expectation, confinement or destiny, as questions referring to a form of alienation or emancipation.

Their works are part of several public collections: MNAM, Centre Pompidou, France / MNAM, Cente Pompidou, France / The Israel Museum - Jerusalem, Israel / MAC VAL, Musée d'Art Contemporain du Val de Marne, France / Collection MUDAM, Luxembourg / BPS22 - Musée d'Art de la Province du Hainaut, Belgique / Centre National des Arts Plastiques (CNAP), France / MAC'S - Grand-Hornu, Belgique / FRAC Alsace, FRAC Poitou-Charentes et FRAC Lorraine, France.

Special thanks to BPS22- Musée d'art de la Province de Hainaut à Charleroi and to Pierre-Olivier Rollin for his support.

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